New Presentation Switches from ATEN Technology, Inc. Boost Impact of Professional Presentations in Meetings Rooms and Educational Spaces


ATEN Technology, Inc., the technology leader and global manufacturer of KVM and Pro AV connectivity solutions, today introduced several new professional AV presentation switches, enabling users to boost the efficiency and impact of their professional pres


Daktronics Invests in XDC, a Leader in Mass Transfer and MicroLED Technology


At the end of February ,Daktronics (NASDAQ-DAKT) of Brookings, South Dakota, announces it has participated in a Series A investment round in X Display Company (XDC). XDC creates and owns leading intellectual property (IP) and capabilities in microLED mass


2020 Home Theater Projector Buyer's Guide: What You Need to Know Before Buying a Projector


You want to get a projector for your home to watch movies and TV content on an extra-large screen. But, you have questions and feel unsure about what to look for. Sign trade show is here to help gently chaperone you towards a projector that’ll make you ha


What’s the Best Viewing Distance for a 1440p Gaming Monitor?


Gamers have become spoiled for choice. So many resolutions and options to choose from, and more games than they could possibly have enough time to enjoy on multiple platforms. And things will only get busier (and happier) in the future for gamers. Yet som


Small pitch LED screen companies eye on the outdoor advertising market


This year, the small-pitch LED display technology represented by mini-LED / micro-LED has attracted much attention. However, advertising expo also noticed that in addition to the cutting-edge results in high-end indoor applications, there is one bright sp


Is DCI-P3 better than sRGB for gaming?


There’s no simple answer to the question posed in the headline. A lot of that has to do with just how subjective vision is and the ways perception of color varies between individuals. But we’re here to discuss color spaces in gaming and gaming monitors. W


How Does HDRi Make Gaming Station monitor displays Better?


The joy of sitting down for deep, involved gaming sessions in one of your favorite corners of the world. Your gaming station. There’s your PC, and over yonder your consoles. Ease into a comfy gaming-minded seat that required weeks of research to find. As


Why LED Technology Makes Portable Projectors Better


Obviously, light sources make a world of difference in projectors. After all, projectors serve as light delivery devices. That means the light source has a direct impact on the entire experience provided by any given projector.


Is Chroma Sampling Important for Monitors?


Yes, especially in conjunction with other essential factors such as bit color depth, peak brightness, and contrast ratios. Chroma sampling determines monitor fidelity and impact, although the perception of color obviously varies from person to person. The


How Flicker-Free Monitors Contribute to Eye Health


Flicker-free monitors are specially designed to produce a single continuous light source. A typical monitor adjusts its brightness through flickering, introducing periods of low light between higher brightness. While a user may not be aware of the flicker


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