Discover leading suppliers for Laser Engraving, Cutting, Acrylic @SIGN CHINA2023-08-05 Choosing the right laser engraving and cutting equipment is essential for traditional signage production. SIGN CHINA offers a gathering of manufacturers where you can personally select the right machine. Additionally, buyers can explore high-quality acrylic sheets, aluminum composite panels, advertising board and other sign material, to equip your machines.Visit SIGN CHINA 2023 from September 4th to 6th at Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Register Now, to be our VIP visitor for FREE. |
Uncover the Printing Equipment and Ink Section @SIGN CHINA 20232023-08-01 SIGN CHINA 2023 , scheduled to take place from September 4th to 6th at Shanghai New International Expo Centre |
Experience the All-in-One Journey from Traditional to Digital at SIGN CHINA 20232023-07-28 SIGN CHINA 2023 is taking place from 4th to 6th September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. |
Explore high-end sign market with SIGN CHINA 2023 this September2023-07-25 The “Oscar” event - SIGN CHINA returns from September 4 to 6 this year at Shanghai New International Expo Centre! |
China to Resume Issuing All Types of Visas for Foreigners2023-03-15 China will resume issuing all types of visas for foreigners, including the tourism visa, port visa, and multiple visa-exemption policies starting from March 15, 2023. It is the latest in a series of moves to reopen its border. Inbound travelers are advised to consult with their local China embassies or consulates for more detailed requirements and procedures. |
SIGN CHINA Returns after 4 Years, How Is It Worth Your Attention Again?2023-03-10 SIGN CHINA has prepared so much to welcome you back. |
SIGN CHINA 2023 will be held in both physical and virtual versions, over 2000 sign manufacturers will participate.2023-01-06 As the COVID quarantine rule in China for inbound travellers has been scraped, it’s time to join SIGN CHINA 2023 in person. |
China to scrap COVID quarantine rule for inbound travelers2022-12-27 BEIJING, Dec 26 (Reuters) - China will stop requiring inbound travelers to go into quarantine starting from Jan. 8, the National Health Commission said on Monday in a major step towards easing curbs on its borders, which have been largely shut since 2020. |
POSTPONEMENT OF SIGN CHINA 20222022-08-09 In line with the measures taken by local Government against the pandemic, we regret to inform you that SIGN CHINA 2022 at Shanghai New International Expo Center on 6-8 September 2022 has been postponed, along with its concurrent events. |
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